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Licence to keep a categorised dog

Certain dogs considered potentially dangerous are subject to specific regulations. These dogs are classified into 2 categories: attack dogs and guard and defence dogs. If you own a dog in one of these 2 categories, you are subject to certain obligations.

To find out if your dog is classified:

If your dog falls into this category, a licence is required.. The licence is either provisional for dogs under one year old, or permanent for dogs over one year old.

How do you go about it?

Find out more about protocol online to obtain a detention permit.

Hand in your application at the Police Municipale office during opening hours.

Documents to be provided :

When you collect your dog's licence, please bring the original European pet passport required under European Parliament and Council Regulation no. 998/2003 of 26 May 2003. No detention permit will be issued without presentation of this passport.


If you are the owner or keeper of more than one 1re or 2e category, please submit or send 1 file per dog at your local town hall.


Police municipale de Montataire
Monday to Thursday, 8am to 5pm
Friday from 8am to 4.30pm
03 44 55 02 33