Practical information

Local social action centre (CCAS)

The CCAS is responsible for the family, social action and integration. It works on behalf of residents to promote their social and professional integration by offering a welcome, a listening ear, guidance and occasional or regular support. It also contributes to the mission of maintaining housing for people facing rental arrears.

The CCAS is a municipal body managed by a group of 15 people led by the Mayor. This group includes members chosen by the Town Council and others appointed by the Mayor from associations. In accordance with the Code de l'Action Sociale et des Familles, the CCAS runs a general prevention and social development programme in close collaboration with public and private institutions.

Voluntary aid

Montatairien-ne-s can apply to the CCAS for assistance in the event of hardship. This optional aid is granted subject to conditions of residence, income and expenses. Existing aid may be :

  • Food: in the form of personalised support vouchers,
  • Child-related: payment of the cost of school meals and child-minding activities (ALSH), payment of part of the cost of discovery classes,
  • On water, electricity or gas bills,
  • Other: medical expertise costs, contribution to funeral expenses.

 Allocation decisions are made by the CCAS Board of Directors, which meets once a month (except in August).

To apply for optional assistance, please go to the CCAS reception desk to make an appointment and find out what documents you need to provide.

Internal Regulations for Optional Social Assistance

Legal aid

Election of domicile

Electing a domicile, also known as domiciliation, enables people with no stable place of residence, or living in mobile or insecure accommodation, to obtain a postal address needed to carry out certain formalities such as opening a bank account, registering with France Travail or benefiting from certain schemes. The CCAS can register people who so request after an interview, for an initial period of one year, renewable. You will be asked to prove your link with the town of Montataire. 

To apply for direct debit, please go to the Montataire CCAS reception desk to make an appointment.

Processing applications for the Active Solidarity Income (RSA)

The RSA is an allowance designed to guarantee a minimum level of income to people without resources, adjusted according to the composition of the household. The RSA is available, subject to certain conditions, to individuals aged 25 or over and to young working people aged between 18 and 24 if they are single parents or have been working for a certain length of time.

To help you with this process, please make an appointment at the CCAS reception desk. If you already have a Caisse d'Allocations Familiales number, you will need access codes (login and password) for the CAF website.

Maintenance obligation 

The CCAS receives those subject to the obligation to provide maintenance to help them complete and submit their request to the relevant department.

Other missions 

The CCAS can also provide you with forms for the Pass'Solidaire card, as well as for the opening of rights, such as : 

  • The enforceable right to housing,
  • Over-indebtedness file, 
  • Maison Départementale des Personnes Handicapées (MDPH), 
  • Legal aid, 
  • Supplementary health insurance, 
  • Aide Médicale d'État, 
  • ...

You can find all these documents at the CCAS but also in our online procedures.

Please note that if you would like help filling in the forms, you must ask at the CCAS reception desk.


Active Solidarity Income (RSA)

RSA recipients can receive support from the CCAS via a reciprocal commitment contract. Departmental councils often delegate this responsibility to organisations such as France Travail, CIAS or CCAS under agreements.

Educational budget support

Social workers accompany users to carry out budget assessments and provide advice. In addition, support is offered for educational budgeting measures, as well as for preparing and submitting over-indebtedness applications.

Unpaid rent

In the event of rent arrears, a social worker can help users find solutions such as financial aid or budget management, to avoid eviction. Depending on the situation, rehousing may also be considered.

Municipal arrears

In the event of unpaid municipal bills (for school meals, childcare, etc.), a social worker offers support to help settle the debt.