Practical information

School restaurants

The town of Montataire has a central kitchen that prepares an average of 1,050 meals a day for the ten school canteens. 

The menus 

The local authority is diversifying its school canteen menus, giving priority to organic and non-meat products. Every week, primary school pupils eat organic food and alternatives to meat are offered every fortnight. 

The aim is to offer a healthy and varied diet, while raising children's awareness of organic farming and protecting the environment.

Price list

The price of a meal varies between 1.14 and €6.30 per meal, depending on the family's tax or non-tax assessment. This price differentiation allows the cost of a meal to be adapted to the financial resources of each household, thus guaranteeing access to a healthy and balanced diet for all pupils.

How do I register? 

To register and book, contactCitizen Space.

Paul Langevin school restaurant